
SunDragon Portable Solar Power System

SunDragon Portable Solar Power System

What has 45 kW of inverters, 30 000 pounds of batteries, and enough capacity to power an average home for almost a month?? The answer is the custom built SunDragon system, commissioned for the...

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Hermann Scheer – Father of the Feed-in-Tariff

Hermann Scheer – Father of the Feed-in-Tariff

As we approach the 3rd anniversary of Ontario’s “Feed-in-Tariff”, we just passed an anniversary that probably isn't on our minds. Oct. 14th was the anniversary of Hermann Scheer’s death. Scheer was...

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Hail vs. Solar Panels

Hail vs. Solar Panels

We are often asked "will my solar panels stand up to hail?" The answer is YES.  A solar module or panel that is installed properly and tilted to face South should never break from hail.  Up until a...

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