Book your battery storage consultation
SkyFire Energy offers an array of customized solar-plus-battery solutions that enables you to store the free, abundant power of the sun. We make the installation process simple by taking care of everything from system design, permitting (where applicable) and installation. Battery-based systems are highly customized solutions and our skilled team will work with you to ensure you achieve your goals and objectives.
How does it work?

Battery storage for your home
Residential battery storage provides peace of mind during power outages. In the case of an outage, your home will keep running without interruption. Battery storage allows you to use more of the solar you produce in home instead of exporting it to the grid to minimize distribution and transmission charges from the utility.

Battery storage for your business
Commercial battery storage systems can significantly reduce peak demand charges from the utility and provide protection against power outages. In the case of an outage, your business will be protected from unplanned downtime saving both time and money. Battery storage allows you to use more of the solar you produce at your business instead of exporting it to the grid.

Benefits of battery storage
Reduce energy and demand based utility charges – Batteries store surplus solar energy produced during daylight hours for use later once the sun has set. This allows you to avoid the variable costs associated with transmission and distribution. Commercial battery storage systems can reduce peak demand charges from the grid, providing significant savings.
Back-up power
Battery storage ensures uninterrupted power in the event of a grid outage. Keeping the freezer frozen, the fridge cold or your home from flooding can pay off your battery storage investment in one extreme weather event.

Our relationship with Tesla as a Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer allows us to be forward-thinking in our solar design so you are ready with battery storage and EV (electric vehicle) charging. Our staff includes Professional Engineers, Certified Photovoltaic Technicians and CSA Certified Construction Electricians (Solar PV Systems Certified) who are up to date on industry best practice and in the know on the solar industry.