What has 45 kW of inverters, 30 000 pounds of batteries, and enough capacity to power an average home for almost a month?? The answer is the custom built SunDragon system, commissioned for the Department of Defense. Oh, and did we mention it can be packed up within the sea-can shipping container in under 15 minutes and deployed to anywhere in the world?
A versatile multi source energy system, the SunDragon forms the hub of a community micro-grid or backup power system. Energy sources may include side, ground or roof mounted photovoltaic arrays, wind turbines, generators, conventional grid power or other energy sources. Easy setup and a prebuilt container or trailer mounted system allows for deployment in areas with limited logistical support.
This system is currently providing back up power at a Cadet Camp, west of Calgary. Because of its streamlined design, this storage container can be packed up and shipped by train, truck or even helicopter. Soon it may be overseas, providing power for our service men and women at one of Canada’s military bases. The SunDragon provides reliable power solutions for remote communities, fishing camps, and military bases.