To achieve a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable growth in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector, the Government of Canada has launched a new Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program that aims to create an enabling environment for the development and adoption of clean technology which includes solar PV systems.
The ACT Program offers support under 2 streams, the Adoption Stream and the Research and Innovation Stream. Adoption Stream will support the purchase and installation of commercially available clean technologies and processes with a priority given to those that show evidence of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and other environmental co-benefits.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible activities under the Adoption Stream are of the following nature and type:
1) Green energy and energy efficiency (e.g. solar PV technology)
2) Precision agriculture
3) Bioeconomy solutions
Eligible applicants are:
1) For-profit organizations including farm businesses and agri-food processors
2) Not-for-profit organizations including co-operatives
3) Individuals or sole proprietors
4) Indigenous groups
Before you apply, please read the Applicant guide for detailed information on eligibility criteria, support and funding available, and the application process.
Available Funding
Funding by project
The Adoption Stream will focus its support on projects valued at $50,000 or more of total eligible project costs. The maximum amount payable to a recipient will generally not exceed $2 million per project.
Funding by recipient
The maximum amount payable to a recipient with multiple projects will generally not exceed $5 million.
Eligible project costs will normally be shared as follows:
1) Adoption Stream (For-profit)
Maximum contribution of 50% from the program + minimum contribution of 50% from the applicant
2) Adoption Stream (Not-for-profit)
Maximum contribution of 75% from the program + minimum contribution of 25% from the applicant
The program may provide a more favourable cost-share ratio (60:40) where the majority of the business (more than 50%) is owned or led by one or more under-represented groups.
Stacking provisions
The maximum level of total government funding (federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal funding) will generally not exceed 75% of eligible costs per project.
Application Process
The Adoption Stream has a 2-step application process:
1. Complete a Project Summary form
The Project Summary form will help to determine your project’s eligibility and alignment with program criteria and priorities prior to you preparing a full application. It will also facilitate a discussion between you and program staff about your project. For more information, refer to Annex C: How to complete a Project Summary form.
2. Complete a Project Application form
Following the submission of a Project Summary form, you may be invited to submit a Project Application form. Program staff will provide the form and instructions.
You will be notified when your application has been deemed complete and ready for assessment against the criteria of the program. At any point after your application is submitted, the program may contact you for more information. If your application is incomplete, you will be notified that you have 30 business days to submit the missing information before the application is closed.
*Please note that due to high demand, as of August 1, 2021 the Agricultural Clean Technology Program – Adoption Stream will continue to accept Project Summary Forms but only for funding activities starting as of April 1, 2022. The Project Summary Forms will be kept on file and reviewed at a later date following the commitment of funds up to March 31, 2022.*